Welcome to the inaugural African Youth in AI and Robotics 2024!  The competition aims to foster innovation, showcase emerging talents, and create a platform for young minds passionate about AI and robotics.Participants are encouraged to thoroughly read and understand these terms and conditions before entering the competition.

Terms and Conditions 
1. Eligibility:
  - Participants must be African youth aged between 15 and 35 years.
  - Teams or individuals can enter the competition.

2. Registration:
  - Register online by 8th of July 2024.
  - Provide accurate information; any falsification will result in disqualification.
  -Only projects that meet the category specified, terms and conditions will be contacted. 

3. Project Submission:
  - Submit AI or robotics projects by 08th of July  2024
  - Projects must align with the competition theme and guidelines.

4. Intellectual Property:
  - Participants retain ownership of their projects.
  - The organisers may use project details for promotional purposes.

5. Code of Conduct:
  - Respectful and ethical behaviour is expected.
  - Any form of cheating or plagiarism will lead to disqualification.

6. Judging Criteria:
  - Projects will be evaluated based on innovation, functionality, and impact.
  - Judges' decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

7. Prizes:
  - Prizes will be awarded based on merit.
  - All finalists will be announced publicly on our Social Media platforms (Currently available on X and LinkedIn) on the 31st of August 2024 (Recent update, once all Top 30 Solutions Bios have been compiled we will display them here as most of them are in teams.)

8. Final Event Attendance:
  - Finalists must attend the virtual or physical award ceremony.
  - Unavailability /no response (Unreachable) may result in the forfeiture of prizes.
  - The Final Showcase and  Ceremony will be on the 13th - 17th of October in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

9. Data Privacy:
  - Personal information collected during registration will be handled securely.
  - Participants' data will only be used for competition-related communication.

10. Organiser’s Rights:
    - The organizers reserve the right to modify rules and guidelines if necessary.
    - In unforeseen circumstances, the competition may be canceled or postponed.

11. Contact Information:
    - For inquiries, contact

12. Please note that Group Entries must be submitted by the group leader and the project paper must indicate that it is a group project listing all the team members.


Participants are invited to choose a category aligning with their project's focus. The diversity allows for a broad range of ideas and contributions. The deadline for submission is 08th of July 2024

AI and Innovation in Mining

Projects focusing on groundbreaking applications of artificial intelligence in various fields.

Futuristic FinTech Solution

Finance Projects, Tools and Innovations promoting ethical, inclusive, efficient Finance practices whilst upholding environmental, social, and economic responsibility.

Robotics Design

Projects showcasing creativity in designing/building robots for specific tasks or challenges.

Healthcare Solutions

Projects and Innovations leveraging AI and robotics to address challenges in healthcare.

Education Enhancement

Initiatives using AI or robotics to improve educational experiences for students.

Ethical AI

Projects addressing ethical considerations in the development and application of AI.

Agricultural Solutions

Solutions enhancing efficiency and sustainability in agriculture through technology.

Submit an entry!

Community Impact and Good Governance Innovation

Projects demonstrating a positive impact on local communities through AI or robotics.

Open Category

For projects that don't fit into specific categories but showcase exceptional creativity and innovation.

Innovation in the Construction and Architecture industry

Projects demonstrating a positive impact and immense efficiency in the fields of Construction and Architecture.

2024 Submissions Closed

We are EXCITED  to announce that the registration process for the Inaugural African Youth in AI and Robotics Competition 2024 is CLOSED with 1008 competitive entries. Watch this space for future updates on the adjudication and final ceremony.